Tuesday, August 10, 2010

chicken soup (malay style)

i learnt this from watching my ex housemates in uni cook this.. its chicken soup malay style with lots of spices &  is great when eaten on a rainy day..slurppp..

-chicken pieces
- the spices ( u can buy a ready prepared pack or u can buy them individually, otherwise you can always buy the adabi sup bunjut)
-onion, garlic & ginger
- salt to taste
- carrots & potatoes

1. Pound garlic, ginger, onion
2. Heat pot, add the spices & the pounded ingredients
3. Once fragrant, add water
4. When soup boils, add chicken, carrots & potatoes. Turn stove on low fire.
4. Add seasoning to taste.
5. Boil for at least an hour. Ready to serve

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