Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kueh makmur

This is also known as kueh momo (thats what the chinese call it..hehe).. I would make these every year before cny and its always a hit among the visitors..

Wheatflour (sifted)
Icing sugar
Salt to taste

1. preheat oven, 180 deg C.
2. mix wheatflour & ghee. Shape until dough is formed. If the mixture is too “wet”, add flour as there may be too much ghee. If the dough is too dry and hard to shape, add more flour.
3. at the same time, add salt to taste. Not too much, a little pinch will do just to get that salty taste.
4. shape into balls. Bake for 20mins, or until base is brownish.
5. while hot, coat with icing sugar. Ready to serve.

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