Sunday, August 22, 2010

siew mai

I decided to make siew mai today since I had nothing to do & I needed to update my blog as well.. haha.. anyway, my mum taught me how to make this and I think the most challenging part is the wrapping part.. so knowing I cant wrap the siew mai properly, I used a small "container" or like a "cap" to put the dimsum wrapper on it and put the fillings inside so it would have a shape of a siew mai..
You need..

-prawn (minced)
-minced chicken or pork
-salt & pepper to taste
- chopped mushroom
-chopped carrots (for decor)
- Wantan wrappers

1. Mix prawn, minced meat, mushroom, salt & pepper
2. Place wrapper on the cap
3. Wrap mixture and take 1 tsp of filling into the wrapper. Add a bit of carrot on top of siew mai for decoration..
4. Take the siew mai out, arrange and prepare for steaming
5. Steam for 10-12 mins or until cooked. Ready to serve

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